Design and Implementation of Different Unit Cells for Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface
Floquet technique, Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces, Smart environments, Switch configurationsAbstract
Recently, great attention has been given to the idea of a smart environment. It often involves the use of reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RIS) for the management of electromagnetic wave reflections as the world awaits the emergence of 6G. Changeable intelligent surfaces may enhance the creation of wireless communication. The design and analysis of several unit cell reflections are presented in this work. The first design relies on the Switching Technique which involves switching on and off to acquire the phase as well as the coefficient of reflection to accommodate 6G standards. The unit cells design is configured to operate in the millimeter band and X band. In the second design, the radius of the circular patch was changed to adjustment of the phase and reflection coefficient. The use of Floquet technique is employed in investigating the scattering characteristics of a unit cell's constituent elements based on the assumption that every element consists of an extremely iterating periodic structure. To determine the optimal force reflection and the transformation phase, the return loss alongside reflection phase graphs of each resonant component were examined. The simulation results indicate that the first design exhibits a reflection phase shift range of -180 to 90 and a reflection magnitude over 0.93 at a frequency of 11GHz. In contrast, the second design demonstrates a reflection phase shift range of -135 to 135 and a reflection magnitude surpassing 0.9 at a frequency of 28GHz. The analysis and simulation of the design models were carried out using the CST model.
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