Decision Support System for Proper Utilization and Management of Water Resources in Egypt


  • Yara A. Zaki Civil Engineering Department, Higher Institute of Engineering at El-Shorouk City, El Shorouk Academy, Cairo, Egypt
  • Yasser El-Elsaie Civil Engineering Department, Higher Institute of Engineering at El-Shorouk City, El Shorouk Academy, Cairo, Egypt
  • Ibrahim M. Mahdi Structural Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Future University in Cairo, Egypt
  • Mohamed M. Ibrahim Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering at Shoubra, Benha University, Cairo, Egypt



Decision-making process, Egypt, Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process , Multi-criteria Analysis, Sustainability, Water Resource


The decision-making theory has become essential for providing real-time solutions to uncertainty problems, particularly in sustainable engineering and environmental challenges in engineering processes. This work uses decision-making techniques to address water resource problems using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). The AHP can be used properly as a decision-making technique to weigh and rank for effective allocation of water resources (alternatives) with maximum priority and sustainable utilization in Egypt. To accomplish our objective, Egypt was divided into five zones based on natural factors and population concentration to identify the best water resource for each zone. It was found that the Nile River is the best alternative for the Upper Nile zone, while desalination is the least favorable option. The Nile River is the optimal choice in the Nile Delta zone, and desalination is the least preferred option. In the Western Desert, groundwater emerges as the top choice, while desalination is considered the least favorable alternative. Desalination is the best alternative for the Red Sea zone, while Agriculture Drainage is deemed the least suitable option. In the North Coast zone, desalination is preferred, and agriculture drainage is the least favorable option.

Author Biographies

Yara A. Zaki, Civil Engineering Department, Higher Institute of Engineering at El-Shorouk City, El Shorouk Academy, Cairo, Egypt

Civil engineering department, at High institute of engineering at elshorouk city , Egypt

Yasser El-Elsaie, Civil Engineering Department, Higher Institute of Engineering at El-Shorouk City, El Shorouk Academy, Cairo, Egypt

Civil Engineering Department, Higher Institute of Engineering at El-Shorouk City, El Shorouk Academy

Ibrahim M. Mahdi , Structural Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Future University in Cairo, Egypt

Structural Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Future University in cairo, Egypt

Mohamed M. Ibrahim, Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering at Shoubra, Benha University, Cairo, Egypt

civil engineering department, Faculty of Engineering at Shoubra, Benha University,  Cairo


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How to Cite

Zaki, Y. A. ., El-Elsaie, Y. ., Mahdi , I. M. ., & Ibrahim, M. M. (n.d.). Decision Support System for Proper Utilization and Management of Water Resources in Egypt. Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development, 29(2), 142-152.