
  • Haitham Saeed Building and Construction Technology Engineering Department, Northern Technical University, Mosul, Iraq Author




Calcium chloride, accelerators, concrete admixtures, early strength


For several decades, calcium chloride has been widely used as a cheap and effective accelerator. Calcium chloride is remarkably decreasing the initial and final setting times of concrete.  It is mainly used at low-temperature concreting because it allows for earlier finishing and reduces the effects of water freezing inside fresh concrete. The use of calcium chloride in reinforced concrete has been decreased after identifying its effect on reinforcement corrosion.  However, calcium chloride is still widely used in ordinary concrete and some reinforced concrete in specific proportions. This paper reviews the most important mechanical and chemical effects of calcium chloride on concrete mixtures, its effects on reinforcement corrosion, the conditions of its use, and its mechanism of action. This review study highlights the need for a detailed study to verify calcium chloride’s exact role in reinforcement corrosion and the maximum permissible limits for its use in reinforced concrete. In addition, there is a need to study the compatibility of calcium chloride with other concrete admixtures.


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How to Cite

Saeed , H. . (2023). A REVIEW STUDY OF THE USE OF CALCIUM CHLORIDE IN CONCRETE. Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development, 27(3), 339-349. https://doi.org/10.31272/jeasd.27.3.4

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