Improving The Mechanical and Thermal Behavior of a Compressed Earth Block Using Fibers


  • Fidjah Abdelkader Department of Mechanical Engineering Laboratory of Development in Mechanics and Materials (LDMM) ‐University of Djelfa, 17000, Algeria Author
  • Rabehi Mohamed Department of Civil Engineering Department, University of Djelfa, 17000 Djelfa, Algeria Author
  • Kezrane Cheikh Department of Mechanical Engineering Laboratory of Development in Mechanics and Materials (LDMM) ‐University of Djelfa, 17000, Algeria Author
  • Adda Hanifi Mohamed Amine Laboratory of Materials and Reactive Systems (LMSR), Mechanical Engineering Department, Djillali Liabes. UniversityAlgeria Author



Bulk density, Compressed earth block, Compressive strength, Glass fibers, Palm fibers, Specific heat thermal conductivity


Fibers are widely used in construction because they have mechanical and thermal properties that improve the properties of structures added to them. This paper addresses the improvements made to the compressed earth block (CEB) when palm fibers and glass are added. This block is made up of soil and cement. The fiber ratio varies between 0% and 0.4%, and a compressive force of 2.5 MPa is applied to the samples. The physical, mechanical, and thermal properties of the CEB are studied according to systematic criteria using a numerical simulation program to find out how heat is transferred inside the samples. Preliminary results showed that the addition of fibers reduces the bulk density value between 1.88% and 11%, increases the compressive strength between 14.28% and 28.85%, decreases the thermal conductivity value between 1.38% and 22.22%, and decreases specific heat observed by 19.34% and 25.77%. These results give a clear view of the changes in the CEB when fibers are added and how to improve some properties.


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How to Cite

Fidjah Abdelkader, Rabehi , M., Kezrane Cheikh, & Adda Hanifi Mohamed Amine. (2024). Improving The Mechanical and Thermal Behavior of a Compressed Earth Block Using Fibers. Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development, 28(6), 702-709.

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