Alkaline, colored concrete, compressive strength, slagAbstract
This study examined the feasibility of producing colored geopolymer concrete using slag as the binder and investigated the effects of pigment on various properties of geopolymer concrete. The geopolymer concrete was supplemented with two varieties of pigment, namely iron oxide hydroxide in the shades of "red" and "yellow", then the following tests of compressive strength, rebound number, density, and ultrasonic pulse velocity were carried out on it. The highest compressive strength value was achieved when adding 1% of pigments, which increased the red and yellow values from the reference value by 2.7 percent and 1.8 percent, respectively. The best rebound number values can be obtained by adding 1% yellow and 3% red, which increased the red and yellow values from the reference value by 8% and 15%, respectively. The density increases as the proportion of the additional pigment rises. The maximum density values were achieved by incorporating 1% of red and yellow pigment, with a respective increase of 1% and 3% for red and yellow. The highest values of ultrasonic pulse velocity when adding 1% of yellow and red color pigments increased by 1.7% for yellow and 2% for red. The optimal addition is 1.2% as it enhances properties and reduces expenses when utilizing smaller pigments.
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