microwave sensor, IDC, CSI, sensor, LDR, MinkowskiAbstract
This work describes a low-cost, extremely sensitive microwave sensor that may be used to distinguish between different liquid samples by measuring the variation in S21 magnitude. An interdigital capacitor (IDC) in series with a circular spiral inductor (CSI) and linked directly to a light dependent resistor (LDR) is used to do this and been installed minkowski farctal on end both stub. The suggested sensor operates at a frequency of 1.47 GHz. Using Computer Simulation Technology (CST) Microwave studio, the impacts of modifying the proposed LDR's value are evaluated parametrically. However, When the LDR value changes in relation to the light of incidence, a considerable change in the resonance band is observed. Many recent wireless technologies that use optical-based interface systems have found that such technology is an excellent candidate. The same model is developed for validation using a High-Frequency Simulator Structure (HFSS). The suggested sensor is built on an FR4 substrate with a 40×60 mm2 surface area. As a ground plane, a copper layer is applied to the rear panel. The results obtained by the two software systems are in perfect agreement.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Ali Ismael Anwer, Zaid A. Abdul Hassain, Taha A. Elwi
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