
  • Murad Shahadha Mahmood 1) Electrical Engineering, Department, College of Engineering, Mustansiriyah University, Baghdad, Iraq Author
  • Yasin Yousif Al-Aboosi Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Universiti Technology Malaysia UTM, Malaysia Author




Multipath propagation, propagation delay, acoustic path loss, reflection, grazing angle


Tigris River is an environment of shallow waters because of its low depth and it has been identified as a multi-path channel. The underwater multi-path propagation leads to reverberation as well as fading, which causes large transmission loss. The present paper conducts 3 underwater acoustic simulation outcomes in the district of Abu Dali - Kazem Al Ali village - Tigris beaches - Baghdad - Iraq. The distance from the sender to the receiver are (100m, 1000 m, and 5000m). With the use Ray model, results have shown that the multi-path propagations dominate in a case where the distance from sender to receiver, has been increased, which resulted in decreasing the grazing angle, thereby, increasing the coefficient of reflection. The consecutive path amplitude values will not be decreased quickly. This is why differences in the time between different paths are minimal. This indicates that the consecutive path-ways will be converged with time, which will result in an inter- symbol interference phenomenon, playing a role in an increase of the received data bit error rate.


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How to Cite

Shahadha Mahmood, M. ., & Yousif Al-Aboosi, Y. . (2023). EFFECTS OF MULTIPATH PROPAGATION CHANNEL IN TIGRIS RIVER. Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development, 27(2), 256-271. https://doi.org/10.31272/jeasd.27.2.9

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