
  • Mariam Ibraheem Civil Engineering Department, College of Engineering, Mustansiriyah University, Baghdad, Iraq Author
  • Mohammed M. Rasheed Civil Engineering Department, College of Engineering, Mustansiriyah University, Baghdad, Iraq Author



Shear, beams, without stirrups, aggregate interlock, uncracked concrete


Shear failure in reinforced concrete beams has gained excessive study, particularly beams without stirrups. Because shear failure is considered the most serious due to it occurring suddenly without warning. Because of the seriousness of the matter concerning shear failure, many researchers are looking to use additive materials that differ from traditional concrete constituents in order to improve the shear resistance of the beams, such as the use of silica fume, steel fiber, metakaolin, and many others. The current studies focused on understanding the resistance provided by the interlocking forces between the aggregate and that provided by the non-cracked compression zone, with the use of some materials that are intended to improve the properties of concrete. This paper presents a review of the previous literature that included studying the mechanism and behavior of shear failure of concrete beams without web reinforcement and also includes a presentation of the most important equations used to predict the shear capacity of concrete beams, especially those without stirrups, to understand the mechanism of failure and to know the most important factors affecting the failure of shear.


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How to Cite

SHEAR CAPACITY OF REINFORCED CONCRETE BEAMS WITHOUT SHEAR REINFORCEMENT: A REVIEW. (2023). Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development, 27(5), 580-595.

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