Conduction losses, switching losses, space vector pulse width modulation, thermal resistanceAbstract
Because of developments in high-power converters, it has become crucial to investigate how effective inverter performance is. consequently, via being aware of the temperature value of the junction for the inverter switch. The rise in the switching frequency of the inverter, as well as the kind of control technique used, all have an impact on the value of junction temperature. The traditional methods for determining the junction temperature are imprecise and challenging to use. Therefore, a novel approach was used in this study to compute the junction temperature in a simple manner utilizing the MATLAB/Simulation SIMSCAPE environment. The junction temperature of the inverter's switches is easily estimated, where the heat conveyed over the layers of the IGBT can be indicated by using the simple thermal model of Foster. Because the semiconductors within the SIMSCAPE environment exhibit boosted design together with a direct thermal port. As a result, the estimation of the junction temperature is more precise and direct. This feature is only openable in the newest categories of the MATLAB program (2019-2023) This paper presents the losses formed in an Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors, and thermal behavior analysis to represent IGBT's layers. The simulation included the influence of various operating switching frequencies on the temperature value of the junction. The results show that the temperature value of the junction increases as the switching frequency value increases and the Space Vector pulse width modulation technique has a value of junction temperature lower than the Sinusoidal pulse width modulation technique at the same switching frequency.
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