Procurement process, project management, risk management, purchase orders, vendor managementAbstract
This study aims to evaluate the procurement management system of residential complex projects in Erbil Governorate by adopting a case study for (20) constructed projects during 2007-2019, to calculate the percentage of procurement management practice and the risks that have a significant impact on cost, time, and quality. Based on a literature review and discussion with experienced construction managers and procurement officers, a questionnaire has been designed which represents a successful plan for a procurement management system that consists of ten phases, each of five items, and the risk results associated with the improper practice. The questionnaire was delivered to stakeholders working on residential complex projects to calculate the average practice of procurement management. It is revealed that 70% of residential complex projects practiced procurement management process with a percentage below 50%. Which is considered below the acceptable rate. The average practice of procurement management phases ranges between 33% for procurement risk management and 58.5% for forecasting. The study reviled that the practice of procurement management affects the cost and time mostly. There are 26 risks that range between high and significant categories for cost and 22 risks range between high and significant categories for time. The most significant factors for procurement management are creating an appropriate risk response plan, integrating the procurement plan with the budgeting, scheduling procurement due to dates and quantities, using the tendering procedure, and procurement quality assurance. This study may contribute to solving problems for future projects by improving the current system.
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