A Theoretical Method for Calculating the Required Force in Front of a Bulldozer- Blade


  • Fahim Alhimdani Mechanical Engineering Department, Al-Mustansiriyah University , Baghdad, Iraq مؤلف
  • Munaf Fathi Badr Mechanical Engineering Department, Al-Mustansiriyah University , Baghdad, Iraq مؤلف
  • Abeer Hashim Mechanical Engineering Department, Al-Mustansiriyah University , Baghdad, Iraq مؤلف

الكلمات المفتاحية:



This paper presents a theoretical approach for estimating the draught force in front of a bulldozer blade. Forces required to produce any kind of soil failure can be described by an additive equation. Advantage was taken by Reece’s family of curves from which will be possible to obtain a ready solution to most two – dimensional passive pressure problems. An equation has been simplified making certain assumptions. Then an example for application was solved obtaining the required power for bulldozer to do a certain job. It is hopped that this paper will be useful, especially when choosing the right design of a bulldozer blade for a required purpose


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كيفية الاقتباس

A Theoretical Method for Calculating the Required Force in Front of a Bulldozer- Blade. (2009). مجلة الهندسة والتنمية المستدامة, 13(3), 128-138. https://jeasd.uomustansiriyah.edu.iq/index.php/jeasd/article/view/1537