Energy Loss, Piano Key Weir (PKW), Discharge CoefficientAbstract
As non-linear weirs with a high flow rate, Piano Key Weirs (PKWs) have attracted the attention of water engineers in recent years. Given the limited information available on the energy losses of these weirs, it is important to investigate the energy losses and discharge capacity of these weirs. In this research, two trapezoidal PKWs, i.e., type-B and -C, with a height of 0.2 m were used. The studied flow rates were 0.025, 0.03, 0.035, and 0.04 m3/s. The results showed that energy loss decreased by increasing the flow velocity and upstream depth. The average energy loss in the type-B trapezoidal PKW was about 10.9% lower than that in the type-C PKW. The type-B weir had a higher discharge coefficient of about 5.6% compared to that of the type-C weir. Finally, an equation was presented to calculate the energy loss of these two weirs with a correlation coefficient of 97.42%.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Ali Qasim Rdhaiwi, Ali Khoshfetrat, Amirhossein Fathi (Author)

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