Discrete Wavelet Multi-Tone Transmission for Digital Subscriber Line


  • Abdul-Karim Abdul-Rahman Kadhim College of Information Engineering, Al-Nahrain University, Baghdad, Iraq Author




Multi-Carrier Modulation (MCM) is an attractive technique for copper wire access technology in high-performance communication networks (e.g. Asymmetric and Very-high-rate Digital Subscriber Line). In digital implementations of MCM, subcarrier generation and data modulation are accomplished digitally using orthogonal transformations of data blocks called Discrete Multi-Tone (DMT). These implementations are efficient with regard to bandwidth utilization and transceiver complexity. In this article, a variant high-performance digital MCM was used, the Discrete Wavelet Multi-Tone (DWMT) transmission. The standard asymmetric digital subscriber
line modems use DMT line code and are able to deliver up to 8 Mbps.


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How to Cite

Abdul-Rahman Kadhim, A.-K. . (2005). Discrete Wavelet Multi-Tone Transmission for Digital Subscriber Line. Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development, 9(3), 15-30. https://jeasd.uomustansiriyah.edu.iq/index.php/jeasd/article/view/1828