Developing Computer Program to Implement Time-Cost Relationship for Planning Constructional Projects in Iraq


  • Angham E. Al- Saffar Civil Engineering Dept., College of Engineering, Al-Mustansiriya University, Baghdad, Iraq Author
  • Fulla H. Al-Samaraai Civil Engineering Department, College of Engineering, Al-Mustansiriya University, Baghdad, Iraq Author




Today's project construction management faces many challenges due to the increased complexity and variety of projects. The need for continuous control of time, cost and performance of project to satisfy clients needs, gives rise to search for new concepts in projects construction management. Construction management makes time cost trade-off decisions every day in planning and managing their work. This paper describes the typical pragmatic approach that managers take in making time-cost trade-off. It then describes computerized crashing technique to be used easily by the construction management.
The objective of describing time-cost trade-off the critical path method analysis is to establish a minimum time requirement for projects, making use of durations of each activity at minimum cost.


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How to Cite

E. Al- Saffar, A. ., & H. Al-Samaraai, F. . (2006). Developing Computer Program to Implement Time-Cost Relationship for Planning Constructional Projects in Iraq. Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development, 10(2), 59-71.