تطــوير نظــام إدارة الصــيانة لمشـــروع ســد حمريـــن


  • باســـل قاســـم الشــــيخلي قســم هندســة البنــاء والانشــاءات، الجامعــــة التكنولوجية، بغــداد، العــراق مؤلف
  • علــي ســـلمان مهــدي المديريــة العامــة للســدود والخــزانات, بغــداد, العــراق مؤلف

الكلمات المفتاحية:



The concept of the modern maintenance management has been developed in parallel with the international development of the science and technology, especially targets identification of the management, and it’s duties in the hydraulic establishments.The research included a real state study of maintenance management activities of Himreen dam to propose a suitable maintenance management system. Also it presented a description of the dam importance and discussed the concept of the modern maintenance; definition, classification, and the analysis of the four factors of management system which are (planning, organizing, directing and controlling).The field survey included preparing the questionnaire list, conducting the statistical analysis for its axes, and discussing the results.Many conclusions and recommendations have been deduced which related to the applications of the maintenance management in the dam project, and to generalize the proposed system in future to all dam’s projects in Iraq


Key Dates



كيفية الاقتباس

تطــوير نظــام إدارة الصــيانة لمشـــروع ســد حمريـــن. (2007). مجلة الهندسة والتنمية المستدامة, 11(2), Ar-19-Ar-35. https://jeasd.uomustansiriyah.edu.iq/index.php/jeasd/article/view/1718