Multiple receivers, WPT wireless power transfer system, S–S geometry, cross-coupling, class-E inverterAbstract
As is usual in a multiple-receiver wireless power transfer (WPT) system based on s-s geometry, the power of load obtained and system efficiency are very sensitive to changes in the number of receivers. An improved multi-receivers WPT system is introduced that ensures the power given for each load remains stable while other receivers enter or exit the system. This study proposes a multiple-load WPT system operated by a class E amplifier. The equivalent system circuit model is analyzed of major parameters such as receiver power, transmitter power, transmission efficiency, and each load power allocation. A control circuit is proposed to obtain high transmission efficiency, power control for the transmitter, and arbitrary power distribution ratios of receivers for different loads. The cross-coupling between the receiver coils is prevented by adding compensating capacitors at the receiver side in series. This further increases the power stability obtained by loads. Finally, in order to verify the feasibility of the proposed process, simulation results are presented.
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